김장 공급으로 주말 내내 쉬지 못하고 연속해서 월요일부터 월말 업무를 보는데, 감기가 떨어지지 않아 안면이 전쟁중이다. 감기약 보다는 술한잔이 필요한 시점 같음. 도서관 연체로 대출을 못해 집에 굴러 다니는 책 중 블레이크의 시집과 헤르만 헤세의 『유리알 유희』를 읽고 있다. 이 책은 아무래도 『싯타르타』의 유럽판 변주같다.
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.
He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.
The busy bee has no time for sorrow.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
Prisons are built with stones of Law, brothels with bricks of Religion.
The wrath of the lion is the wisdom of God.
What is now proved was once only imagined.
The cistern contains; the fountain overflows.
The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.
The weak in courage is strong in cunning.
As the caterpillar chooses the fairest leaves to lay her egg on, so the priest lays his curse on the fairest joys.
Exuberance is Beauty.
Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.
-W. Blake, Proverbs of Hell 중에서
I tell you, no virtue can exist without breaking theses ten commandments. Jesus was all virtue, and acted from impulse, not from rules.
-W. Blake, A Memorable Fancy 중에서